Braces for Children and Teens in London

Embarking on a journey to a vibrant smile should be filled with care and expertise, especially for the young. Wimpole Street Dental Clinic's 'Braces for Children & Teens' embraces this mission, offering specialized orthodontic treatment for children and teens. Our skilled team is dedicated to crafting not just aligned teeth but lasting confidence. With gentle techniques and a child-friendly environment, we make achieving a perfect smile a comfortable and joyful adventure.

Treatment Duration

6 months - 2 years


From £4,495

Team Experience

15+ years

Recovery Time

1 day

Google Rating

★★★★★ (4.9)

Written by: Dr Sanjana Sudarshan

Clinically reviewed by: Prof Dr Christian Mehl

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    Home » Treatments » Braces for Children and Teens

    About one in three children may benefit from orthodontic treatments like braces to correct conditions such as misaligned, crowded, or unevenly spaced teeth, as well as bite issues. Such dental challenges can arise from varied tooth growth, space between teeth, or habits like prolonged use of pacifiers or thumb sucking.

    Straight teeth aren’t just aesthetically pleasing; they’re easier to clean, reducing the risk of cavities and gum disease. Braces for kids come in several types, including traditional metal, discreet ceramic, lingual (behind the teeth), and clear aligners like Invisalign. These aligners are removable for dental hygiene and eating, providing a flexible option. Specialists provide all orthodontic care, ensuring expertise in the treatment of young smiles.

    When do children get braces?

    Children typically start orthodontic treatment between 10 and 14 years old, but some may need earlier or later interventions. Successful outcomes rely on adhering to care instructions, like avoiding certain foods with fixed braces or wearing aligners consistently. Post-treatment, wearing a retainer as directed is key to maintaining results.

    What happens if my child needs braces but doesn’t have them?

    If a child needs braces but doesn’t receive them, they might face dental issues down the line. Misaligned teeth can lead to difficulties in cleaning, resulting in a greater chance of tooth decay and gum disease. It may also cause problems with eating, speaking, and overall oral function. In some cases, the aesthetic concerns can impact a child’s self-esteem. It’s always best to discuss with an orthodontist to understand the implications and available options for your child’s specific situation.

    Can my child get coloured braces?

    Children can personalize their braces with a variety of band colors, making the experience more enjoyable. Metal braces come with small elastic bands that can be in a variety of colors, from vibrant to subtle tones. These bands are part of the braces and can be changed at regular dental appointments. It’s a fun way for kids to personalize their orthodontic experience.

    Meet your award-winning Braces for Children and Teens dentist and team…

    • We have over 75+ years of combined dentistry experience across our specialist team.
    • 10,000+ treatments performed and counting.
    • We are leaders in the dental industry – we regularly teach, lecture and publish our research work internationally.

    Braces for Children and Teens costs

    Virtual Consultations 

    Discussion of treatment needs and options (deducted from full consultation cost if proceeded)
    From £150

    New Patient Consultation

    Including X-rays
    From £180

    Invisalign clear aligners including retainers – no hidden fees

    Single arch (upper or lower)
    From £2,500

    Invisalign clear aligners including retainers – no hidden fees

    Both arches (upper or lower)
    From £5,500

    Fixed silver metal braces including retainers – no hidden fees

    Single arch (upper or lower)
    From £4,495

    Fixed silver metal braces including retainers – no hidden fees

    Both arches (upper or lower)
    From £5,995

    Fixed clear ceramic braces including retainers – no hidden fees

    Single arch (upper or lower)
    From £5,495

    Fixed clear ceramic braces including retainers – no hidden fees

    Both arches (upper or lower)
    From £6,995

    Fixed lingual braces including retainers – no hidden fees

    Single arch (upper or lower)
    From £7,495

    Fixed lingual braces including retainers – no hidden fees

    Both arches (upper or lower)
    From £9,995

    Fixed retainer (per arch)

    From £300

    Repair of Fixed retainer (per arch)

    From £150

    Removable Retainer (per arch)

    From £200

    Invisalign Vivera Retainers – 3 sets (per arch)

    From £600

    Debond (Braces Removal) only

    From £700

    Orthodontic adjustment in treatment elsewhere

    From £400

    Our Expertise

    Choosing Wimpole Street Dental Clinic for your child’s orthodontic needs means entrusting their smile to a team revered for its expertise and compassionate care. The clinic is known for its state-of-the-art facilities and a warm environment that eases the anxieties commonly associated with dental treatments. Dr Sanjana, one of the leading orthodontists at the clinic, brings a wealth of experience and a gentle approach to pediatric care, ensuring every child receives personalized treatment.

    The clinic’s philosophy centres on a patient-first approach, with treatments tailored to the unique needs of each child. Emphasising preventive care and early intervention, they utilize the latest advancements in dental technology to provide effective, efficient treatments. Parents can rest assured that the quality of care at Wimpole Street is of the highest standard, aimed at creating healthy, confident smiles that last a lifetime.

    Dr Sanjana’s commitment to ongoing education and her involvement with cutting-edge orthodontic practices means your child will be benefiting from some of the latest and most reliable techniques in dental care.

    Braces for Children and Teens Before & Afters

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    Braces for Children and Teens reviews

    Find out more about our patients, their treatment and why they chose Wimpole Street Dental Clinic.

    Helen Li​

    Wimpole Street Dental has the highest most ethical standard of work, personable approach, clear and safe procedures, top notch excellence and reliability in treatment provided with utmost professionalism from crème de la crème world class specialists all under one roof.

    Who is suitable for braces?

    Braces are suitable for children who need to correct dental issues such as crowded or crooked teeth, overbites, underbites, crossbites, or other jaw irregularities. The ideal time for kids to get braces often coincides with the eruption of their permanent teeth, making early evaluation around the age of 7 beneficial. This allows orthodontists to guide tooth alignment as children grow, leading to optimal results and health benefits. Each child’s readiness for braces is unique and is best assessed by a dental professional.

    Identifying the right candidates for braces in childhood hinges on various dental indicators. Orthodontists recommend an initial assessment as kids’ jaws and teeth are actively developing, often by age 7. This evaluation can pinpoint the optimal timing for intervention, as early treatment can be pivotal in harnessing a child’s growth for corrective alignment. It’s not just about aesthetics; proper alignment is crucial for chewing and speech development and can prevent more complex dental issues later.

    Braces can be a proactive step towards ensuring oral health, functionality, and a confident smile for years to come. Parents should consider an orthodontic consultation if they notice bite misalignments, difficulty in biting or chewing, or if there is a history of misaligned teeth in the family.

    Why do kids need braces?

    Children might need braces for several reasons such as crooked, overlapping, or too close teeth, and issues with their bite. A “bad bite” includes malocclusion, where the jaw sizes don’t match. An overbite is when the upper jaw extends beyond the lower, and an underbite is the opposite. Typically, a dentist spots these issues during a checkup and suggests seeing an orthodontist. The orthodontist then determines the need for braces and the best type for the child’s specific situation.

    What happens at the first orthodontist visit?

    During the first visit, the orthodontist checks your child’s teeth, mouth, and jaw, observing how the teeth align when biting. They’ll inquire about any chewing or jaw issues, like clicking sounds. To understand the teeth’s positioning and check for incoming permanent teeth, X-rays might be taken. A mold of your child’s teeth could also be made using a special material to capture their dental structure, aiding in planning the best treatment.

    How long will my child need to wear braces for?

    The duration a child needs to wear braces varies based on the specific dental issues being corrected, with the average time around two years. After braces, a child might use a retainer to prevent teeth from shifting back. This could be a small piece of plastic with metal wires or a mouthguard-like plastic piece.

    How to look after braces

    Maintaining oral hygiene with braces involves diligent cleaning because food can easily get trapped. It’s crucial to brush after every meal, use floss daily with a special tool provided by the orthodontist, and attend regular dental check-ups. Avoiding hard, sticky foods and sugary drinks helps prevent damage to braces and tooth decay. Discomfort can occur, especially after adjustments; pain relievers and soft foods can ease this. For any issues like loose wires or discomfort, contact the orthodontist immediately, who may recommend using orthodontic wax for relief.

    Wimpole St Dental Clinic has strict sourcing guidelines and relies on peer-reviewed studies, academic research institutions, and medical associations. We avoid using tertiary references. You can learn more about how we ensure our content is accurate and current by reading our editorial policy.

    • Bucci R, Rongo R, Zunino B, Michelotti A, Bucci P, Alessandri-Bonetti G, Incerti-Parenti S, D’Antò V. Effect of orthopedic and functional orthodontic treatment in children with obstructive sleep apnea: A systematic review and meta-analysis. Sleep Med Rev. 2023 Feb;67:101730. doi: 10.1016/j.smrv.2022.101730. Epub 2022 Dec 2. PMID: 36525781.
    • Agostino P, Ugolini A, Signori A, Silvestrini-Biavati A, Harrison JE, Riley P. Orthodontic treatment for posterior crossbites. Cochrane Database Syst Rev. 2014 Aug 8;(8):CD000979. doi: 10.1002/14651858.CD000979.pub2. Update in: Cochrane Database Syst Rev. 2021 Dec 24;12:CD000979. PMID: 25104166.
    • Glineur R, Balon-Perin A. L’orthodontie de l’enfant et de l’adulte [Orthodontic treatment in children and adults]. Rev Med Brux. 2001 Sep;22(4):A299-303. French. PMID: 11680192.
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