Group-CS: Implants

Immediate implant for central incisor

BEFORE AFTER How do work? Step 1: The initial situation The patient presented herself with an external resorption on the right central incisor which warranted the extraction of this tooth. Step 2: treatment planning After careful consideration of the available options, we planned the implant procedure we went for this option. Step 3: Extraction and […]

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Immediate implant for a front tooth

Immediate implant for a front tooth

BEFORE AFTER How do work? Step 1: The initial situation The patient had cracked her root canal treated upper left incisor and came to us for repair. Step 2: Extraction We decided to extract the toot and at the same day place an immediate implant. Step 3: Treatment At the same time we undertook a

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Upper and Lower Jaw All-on-4

Upper and Lower Jaw All-on-4

BEFORE AFTER How do work? Step 1: The initial situation The patient had lost many teeth to decay and periodontal disease as shown here. Step 2: Diagnostic treatment planning We took X-Rays of the patient’s jaw to better understand the extent of the situation and also spoke with the patient, who was very nervous, about

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Upper Jaw All-on-4

Upper Jaw All-on-4

BEFORE AFTER How do work? Step 1: The initial situation Severe periodontal disease root canal infections were very evident on inspection. We met with the patient and listened to their request for a long-lasting restoration. Step 2: Diagnostic treatment planning After obtaining a set of pictures, 3D X-ray and detailed diagnostic treatment planning, we went

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BEFORE AFTER How does treatment work? Step 1: Diagnosis and planning Using state-of-the-art technology, an incredibly thorough diagnosis and treatment plan are made. A new smile is digitally designed, so that it fits perfectly with the patient’ssmile. Step 2: Implant procedure and temporary bridges Through meticulous planning, a 3D-printed surgical guide is fabricated, enabling the

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Implant on a central incisor

Implant on a central incisor

BEFORE AFTER How does treatment work? Step 1: Diagnosis and 3D planning After ensuring the tooth could not be saved, we proceeded with a 3 D analysis of the jaw bone. An implant was chosen and a surgical guide was 3D printed. Step 2: Tooth extraction, implant placementand temporary crown Immediately after extracting the tooth,

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Single implant on a front tooth

Single implant on a front tooth

BEFORE AFTER How does treatment work? Step 1: Diagnosis and temporary solution The patient came to us with a broken lateral incisor, and our first priority was to ensure she left the clinic with a restored smile, even if only a temporary solution. Unfortunately, we found the root to be too compromised, requiring extraction. To

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All-on-4 Dental Implants

BEFORE AFTER How does work? Step #1 Planning Once we had all the information we needed, we moved forward with the standard diagnostic procedures, which included a CBCT scan, digital scan, and smile design. Step #2 Treatment For the upper jaw, our plan involved extracting the remaining teeth and placing dental implants using the all-on-4 technique. After

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