CS: Root Canal

Keeping a tooth alive with Vital Pulp Therapy

Keeping a tooth alive with Vital Pulp Therapy

BEFORE AFTER How does treatment work? Step 1: Removing decay After examination, the dental team diagnosed her with symptomatic reversible pulpitis in the UR6. This condition involves temporary inflammation of the dental pulp, where the tooth’snerves and blood vessels are, causing sensitivity to temperature changes. The diagnosis indicates that the condition can be treated and […]

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Saving a tooth with Root Canal treatment & Crown

Saving a tooth with Root Canal treatment & Crown

BEFORE AFTER How does treatment work? Step 1: Diagnosing and planning After an in-depth evaluation with the help of our in house CBCT (3D radiographic images), we decided we could still save the tooth. Owing to a chronic infection, we would need to redo the root canal treatment. Step 2: Root canal treatment and rebuilding

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