CS: Immediate Implants

Immediate implant for central incisor

BEFORE AFTER How do work? Step 1: The initial situation The patient presented herself with an external resorption on the right central incisor which warranted the extraction of this tooth. Step 2: treatment planning After careful consideration of the available options, we planned the implant procedure we went for this option. Step 3: Extraction and […]

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Immediate implant for a front tooth

Immediate implant for a front tooth

BEFORE AFTER How do work? Step 1: The initial situation The patient had cracked her root canal treated upper left incisor and came to us for repair. Step 2: Extraction We decided to extract the toot and at the same day place an immediate implant. Step 3: Treatment At the same time we undertook a

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Full mouth reconstruction

Immediate implants for front teeth after trauma

BEFORE AFTER How do work? Step 1: Diagnosing This patient was very unlucky as a mobile phone caused a trauma on her originally beautiful front teeth. Step 2: Planning She initially saw a colleague who restored her fractured teeth and treated them with root canal treatments. However, initially the left upper frontal incisor and at

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