Gum disease (Periodontitis)

Have you noticed severe swelling or bleeding every time you brush your teeth? Periodontitis, or gum disease, is more common than you think, but that doesn’t mean you should live with the pain and discomfort.

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Written by: Prof Dr Christian Mehl

Clinically reviewed by: Dr Raul Costa

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    Home » Periodontitis (Gum Disease)

    At Wimpole Street Dental Clinic, we can provide periodontitis treatment as soon as we diagnose the disease. We’ll then use a structured recall system to help you prioritise regular dental check-ups and oral health appointments to prevent gum disease in the future.

    Periodontitis or gum disease presents with symptoms including swelling and bleeding gums. It is a progressive gum health condition that, if left untreated, can lead to bone loss in the mouth, tooth loss and even allow bacteria to enter the bloodstream causing further health complications such as Diabetes, an increased risk for strokes and heart attacks and it can impact pregnancy.

    Who is suitable for the treatment of periodontitis?

    If you are experiencing pain or discomfort regularly from swollen or bleeding gums while you floss or brush your teeth then please contact us to book an appointment with your dentist or dental hygienist for periodontal treatment. We can diagnose if you have periodontitis gum disease and create your care plan.

    Periodontitis is treatable so give yourself and your dentist the best chance of success by booking an appointment as soon as you experience such symptoms regularly, especially in the early stages of the condition.

    Be aware that if you are a smoker, symptoms that would expose a gum disease (e.g. gum problems, bad breath) could be masked. As smokers have a higher risk of developing gum disease, please visit your dentist and hygienist regularly.

    What is the cost of periodontitis treatment?

    Cost expectations for periodontal disease treatment can be difficult to disclose until your consultation because the price varies from one patient to another. However, the following periodontal disease treatment costs should provide a sense of what to expect for your total fees. Please note that these numbers are ranges; your dental specialist will provide a definite price during your own consultation.

    Meet your award-winning Gum Disease dentist and team…

    • We have over 75+ years of combined dentistry experience across our specialist team.
    • 10,000+ treatments performed and counting.
    • We are leaders in the dental industry – we regularly teach, lecture and publish our research work internationally.

    Gum Disease costs

    New patient consultation


    Periodontal review


    Non-surgical deep scaling

    Per jaw

    Surgical deep scaling and root planing

    Per jaw

    Aesthetic periodontal surgery


    Lateral repositioned flap to cover recessions


    Vertical repositioned flap to cover recessions


    Periodontal regeneration


    Gingival graft

    Attached gingiva

    Our Expertise

    We are proud to offer a full suite of options in the dentistry field of periodontics for you to consider depending on the severity of your condition as presented.

    From your periodontitis diagnosis and review to dental hygiene treatment and cleanse to dental surgery if required.

    Our treatment approach for periodontitis includes an emphasis on long-term care with regular dental and dental hygienist appointments with us so we use a structured recall system to ensure that you never miss a check-up.

    The preservation of your oral health with beautiful teeth and healthy gums is the guiding principle of our work.

    The stages of periodontal disease

    Gum Disease reviews

    Find out more about our patients, their treatment and why they chose Wimpole Street Dental Clinic.


    Wimpole Street Dental has the highest most ethical standard of work, personable approach, clear and safe procedures, top notch excellence and reliability in treatment provided with utmost professionalism from crème de la crème world class specialists all under one roof.

    What happens during the treatment of periodontitis?

    At your appointment, we provide an immediate diagnosis after assessing your current oral health and discussing your current regular dental hygiene. We may ask if you’ve ever suffered from gum disease before to better understand your oral health history.

    Your periodontist (a dentist who has extensive experience and expertise in performing periodontal treatment) or hygienist will conduct a careful, meticulous treatment and professional cleaning to remove plaque and tartar from your gum pockets and gum line

    We will schedule a re-evaluation of your gums four to six weeks after today’s treatment appointment to ensure no further inflammation occurs

    If there are still some pockets left an open debridement will become necessary. The gums are slightly lifted to see the surface of the root which is then cleaned meticulously.

    Your long-term care plan will begin which comprises a commitment to attend regular check-up appointments with both your dentist and your dental hygienist to keep the gum inflammation you have experienced at bay

    Dental Emergencies

    What is periodontal disease? Can periodontitis be cured?

    The NHS advises that healthy gums should be pink, and firm and together with the bone keep your teeth securely in place. They confirm that your gums should not bleed when you touch or brush them. Periodontal disease or periodontitis is a progressive gum disease/condition causing mild to severe inflammation of the gum tissue in the mouth over time and if left untreated can cause serious health implications. Periodontitis is treatable by your periodontist and your dental hygienist so if you are concerned book your next appointment with us straight away.

    How do you treat periodontitis?

    At Wimpole Street Dental Clinic, we have a full suite of periodontal disease treatment options available for our patients. Each case as presented is different and so is the dental care plan we create together. After your initial consultation and diagnosis with a member of our team, we will be in the best place to advise you on the next steps to take. 

    Our periodontist (a dental expert in treating periodontitis gum disease) will inspect your teeth, gum line and surrounding oral area looking for any signs of periodontal disease. We might ask about your oral hygiene and history to try to identify potential causes as well as solutions to avoid gum disease treatment in the future.

    dental bridges specialist prosthodontics Christian Mehl

    What do periodontal pockets look like?

    Periodontal pockets can appear as your gum tissue recedes due to the impact of this bacterial infection. These deep pockets can be defined as spaces or openings which can no longer support the affected tooth potentially leading to tooth loss in severe cases.

    How common is periodontal disease?

    Gum disease is a very common condition and around 50% of the adults in the UK have gum disease to some degree most people experience it at least once during their lifetime. It is much less common in children. Rest assured that periodontal disease is a treatable condition by your dentist and dental hygienist and its re-occurrence is highly preventable.

    What are the signs and symptoms of periodontal disease?

    The most common signs and symptoms of periodontal disease include regularly bleeding gums present when you floss or brush your teeth, swollen gums, sensitive teeth, loose teeth, pus build-up and long-lasting bad breath or halitosis. Contact us to book an appointment promptly should you experience any concerns regarding your current state of oral health or your potential vulnerability to developing gum disease.

    How common is periodontal disease?

    Saliva and bacterium can potentially transmit periodontal disease over time. We recommend that you promote optimum dental health for yourself and your loved ones by practising good oral hygiene complemented by regular check-up appointments with your dentist and dental hygienist.

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    Can periodontitis cause ear pain?

    Gum inflammation or a dental abscess caused by periodontitis can potentially cause ear pain. This increase in sensitivity can be due to the close proximity of the ear to the jaw. If you have significant ear pain, consider booking an appointment with us promptly so we can diagnose the cause of your discomfort and treat it.

    Can I pop a periodontal abscess?

    If a periodontal abscess (an accumulation of pus within the gum) is causing you significant pain and/or discomfort we would recommend that your dentist has the opportunity to assess its severity and treat it.

    Self-treatment can potentially result in the uncontrolled release of harmful bacterium into the mouth, which if not removed and the whole area treated, may negatively impact upon the current state of your oral health and general well-being. We have decades of combined dentistry and periodontics experience not only in identifying periodontal abscesses but providing effective treatment solutions. Self-treatment is likely to cause further harm to your oral health.

    How do you get periodontal disease and what are the stages of gum disease?

    Periodontal disease is a progressive oral health condition which worsens over time if left untreated. It is generally caused by prolonged poor oral hygiene practice including a lack of dental brushing, use of mouthwash and flossing leading to the plaque and tartar present on the tooth to harden and become overwhelming resulting in bacterial gum infection. The initial gum infection is called gingivitis. It usually develops in hard-to-reach areas and interdental spaces. At this stage of gum disease, no bone is lost, yet, and the infection and the associated problems are completely reversible. If the gingivitis is not treated properly and the bacterium is completely removed, a quarter of the patients with gingivitis will progress to the next stage – periodontal disease.

    At this stage bone and associated tissue (forming the so-called attachment holding the tooth) start to get lost. This attachment loss is non-reversible and you can see this stage resulting in gum recession and a receding gum line. The teeth including the roots need to be cleaned perfectly to stop the gum disease from advancing further. If nothing is done, more attachment loss eventually leads to tooth loss.  Other common risk factors for gum disease include a family history of gum disease, smoking and chewing tobacco, changes in hormones specifically in women during pregnancy, a weakened immune system and certain prescribed medications. If you are concerned about developing periodontal disease, contact us to book an appointment.

    How long can you keep your teeth with periodontal disease?

    All periodontal procedures are designed to remove the tartar and plaque which has caused the gum infection in the first place. Periodontal procedures can vary from a dental hygienist cleaning appointment to deep scaling or dental flap surgeries by your dentist to repair, regenerate and restore your smile and so reduce the potential risk of re-infection.

    What is a periodontal procedure?

    All periodontal procedures are designed to remove the tartar and plaque which has caused the gum infection in the first place. Periodontal procedures can vary from a dental hygienist cleaning appointment to deep scaling or dental flap surgeries by your dentist to repair, regenerate and restore your smile and so reduce the potential risk of re-infection.

    What is an ANUG?

    While most periodontal diseases are chronic periodontitis there are other forms of this disease. Acute necrotizing ulcerative gingivitis (ANUG) is most common in smokers and debilitated patients who are under stress. Other risk factors are poor oral hygiene, nutritional deficiency symptoms, immune system deficiency (e.g. HIV / AIDS, use of immunosuppressive drugs) and sleep deficit. Some patients also have oral candidiasis.

    Symptoms and ailments

    The onset, which is usually sudden, may be associated with malaise or fever. The main symptoms are acutely painful, bleeding gums, excessive salivation and sometimes mostly foul breath (fetor oris).

    Ulcerations that are pathognomonic are located on the dental papillae and the margins of the gums. These ulcerations have a characteristic punched-out appearance and are covered by a grey pseudomembrane. Similar lesions on the buccal mucosa and tonsils are rare. Swallowing and speaking can be painful. Regional lymphadenopathy is often present.

    What is a gum disease around dental implants called?

    A gum disease around dental implants is called peri-implantitis. Bacterium which can infect gums around teeth can also infect the surfaces and gums around implants. The cause is bacterial deposits that have accumulated on an implant-supported crown or directly on the peri-implant surface. There they first damage the gingiva around the implants (gingivitis/mucositis).

    At this stage, professional cleaning and good oral hygiene with additional excellent interdental plaque control can stop the disease from spreading further. As implantology has advanced into being a standard care peri-implant diseases will become more common. If the peri-implantitis has spread further and dental plaque has reached sensitive areas close to the bone open surgery might become necessary. The implant surface will be deep cleaned and in most cases, a gum graft will be placed. For 14 days a mouth rinse is recommended (e.g. chlorhexidine).

    Wimpole St Dental Clinic has strict sourcing guidelines and relies on peer-reviewed studies, academic research institutions, and medical associations. We avoid using tertiary references. You can learn more about how we ensure our content is accurate and current by reading our editorial policy.

    • Kwon T, Lamster IB, Levin L. Current Concepts in the Management of Periodontitis. Int Dent J. 2021 Dec;71(6):462-476. doi: 10.1111/idj.12630. Epub 2021 Feb 19. PMID: 34839889; PMCID: PMC9275292.
    • Dannewitz B, Holtfreter B, Eickholz P. Parodontitis – Therapie einer Volkskrankheit [Periodontitis-therapy of a widespread disease]. Bundesgesundheitsblatt Gesundheitsforschung Gesundheitsschutz. 2021 Aug;64(8):931-940. German. doi: 10.1007/s00103-021-03373-2. Epub 2021 Jul 8. PMID: 34236451; PMCID: PMC8264996.
    • Slots J. Periodontitis: facts, fallacies and the future. Periodontol 2000. 2017 Oct;75(1):7-23. doi: 10.1111/prd.12221. PMID: 28758294.
    • Bartold PM. Lifestyle and periodontitis: The emergence of personalized periodontics. Periodontol 2000. 2018 Oct;78(1):7-11. doi: 10.1111/prd.12237. PMID: 30198129.
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