

TMJ Disorder

Conditions TMJ Disorder TMJ disorder, or temporomandibular joint disorder, refers to a condition affecting the jaw joint and surrounding muscles. What is TMJD? TMJ disorder, or temporomandibular joint disorder, refers to a condition affecting the jaw joint and surrounding muscles. The temporomandibular joint (TMJ) acts as a hinge, connecting the lower jaw (mandible) to the […]

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Stained Teeth

Conditions Stained Teeth Stained teeth show a distinct colour change or discolouration. Commonly, teeth can become stained due to an external source which leaves surface residues from food and drink, tobacco consumption and the use of mouthwashes. What causes stained teeth? Sometimes, however, the perceived stains are of intrinsic origin, such as the case of

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Pain in Jaw

Conditions Pain in Jaw Pain in the jaw can be a distressing symptom that can originate from various sources, including the jaw joint (temporomandibular joint or TMJ), surrounding muscles, or even referred pain from other areas of the body. What is Pain in Jaw? Pain in the jaw can be a distressing symptom that can

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Crowded Teeth

Conditions Crowded Teeth “Crowded teeth” is a term used to describe when teeth appear to be too tightly packed together. In most instances crowded teeth will cause the teeth to grow “crooked” or overlapping other teeth because there isn’t enough space in the jawbone to grow straight and natural. What are crowded teeth? “Crowded teeth”

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Bleeding Gums

Conditions Bleeding Gums ‘Bleeding gums’ might be a sign of gum disease or inflammation. A sufferer of bleeding gums might experience bleeding from their gumline due to the simplest activity e.g., brushing or flossing. What are bleeding gums? A sufferer of bleeding gums might experience bleeding from their gum line due to the simplest activity

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Bad breath

Conditions Bad breath In around 60 per cent of the cases the cause can be found in the mouth. In most cases, Halitosis can be easily treated by maintaining a robust and regular oral hygiene routine. Bad breath is usually described as a foul or unpleasant smell or taste from the mouth. What is bad

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Tooth Decay

Conditions Tooth Decay The habitual, pressured and prolonged but unconscious rubbing of your teeth against each other, often accompanied by the clenching of your jaw, is referred to as teeth grinding or bruxism. What is tooth decay? Tooth decay is the breakdown of tooth substance due to acids produced by certain bacteria. This gradually leads

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Teeth Grinding

Conditions Teeth Grinding The habitual, pressured and prolonged but unconscious rubbing of your teeth against each other, often accompanied by the clenching of your jaw, is referred to as teeth grinding or bruxism. What is teeth grinding? Teeth grinding is the most obvious form of bruxism, which is an excessive muscular activity that results in

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Red Gums

Conditions Red Gums Intensely red, puffy, swollen gums which are often tender and sensitive to the touch are a common visual sign that a dental irritation, infection or inflammation is present. What are red gums? Red gums can indicate the onset of periodontitis or gum disease in its initial mild form – gingivitis. Red gums can reduce

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