Group-CS: Crowns & Bridges

3 unit zirconia bridge

3 unit zirconia bridge

BEFORE AFTER How do work? Step 1: Clean and rebuild teeth As the adjacent teeth will support the future bridge, it is essential that the dentist cleans all decay and replaces all old defective restorative materials. Step 2: Producing the zirconia bridges After preparing the teeth – we only use the most conservative techniques – […]

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Root Canal Treatments, extractions and full ceramic bridge

Root Canal Treatments, extractions & full ceramic bridge

BEFORE AFTER How do work? Step 1: Diagnosing In this case we utilised standard conservative prosthodontic planning protocols. The elderly patient did not mind coming a few times more, but keep the session length to a minimum. Step 2: Treatment Initially, we took our set of diagnostic pictures scanning both arches and took the digital

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Rebuilding teeth with crowns

Rebuilding teeth with crowns

BEFORE AFTER How does treatment work? Step 1: Understanding the problem Gum health always reveals the quality of the prosthetic work, and it makes a huge difference aesthetically as well. Step 2: Trying in the new crowns As the previous dentist decided to insert large metal posts inside the roots, we knew that the outcome

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